Aaron Freed

I’m a political science (bachelor, Florida Atlantic University, 2008) and cybersecurity (bachelor’s degree, University of South Florida, 2021) major who recently relocated to Tallahassee, FL. Amateur game development, music creation and (re)mastering, and writing consume much of my spare time.

An overall site map can be found below. If you’re here at my site’s top level, perhaps you’re just curious, or perhaps you’re looking for one of these pages:


  1. Code Projects
    1. VAF
    2. Aleph Bet
  2. Site Map
    1. Marathon
      1. Personal
      2. Marathon / Aleph One Content Creation Guides
      3. Marathon / Aleph One Content Creation References
      4. Marathon YouTube Channels
      5. Marathon GitHub Repositories
      6. Other Marathon References & Resources
    2. Music & Audio
      1. Music Downloads
      2. Music Resources & References
      3. Music Reviews
    3. Miscellany
  3. Abbreviated Ludography
    1. Publicly Available Releases
    2. Works in Progress
  4. But Wait, There’s More!

Code Projects

I’m currently heavily involved in developing the following code projects:

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Site Map



Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Marathon / Aleph One Content Creation Guides

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Marathon / Aleph One Content Creation References

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Marathon YouTube Channels

(Obviously not hosted here, but I manage or co-manage both of these channels.)

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Marathon GitHub Repositories

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Other Marathon References & Resources

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Music & Audio

Music Downloads

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Music Resources & References

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Music Reviews

I’ve recently begun collecting long-form reviews I’ve written of some of my favorite music. I’d previously posted older versions of these at websites such as Rate Your Music, but I’ve been wanting to collect all my best long-form writing in one place for a while.

Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me


Contents · My portfolio · My discography · Marathon soundtracks · Contact me

Abbreviated Ludography

My portfolio contains a much more exhaustive accounting of my game work over the years, but here’s what, by my standards, qualifies as an abbreviated version.

Publicly Available Releases

I’ve contributed in varying degrees to the following (mostly) playable game mods. (Dates refer to my involvement with each project rather than its entire development cycle, though in a few cases these are identical.) See the Marathon soundtracks page above for links to soundtracks.

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Works in Progress

I’m also working on several forthcoming mods:

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But Wait, There’s More!

All of the above game mods currently use the Aleph One engine. You may also wish to familiarize yourself with the Marathon trilogy; in particular, Hellpak runs under Marathon Infinity.

I have at least slightly more than cursory knowledge of the following languages (though in a few cases it was years or even decades ago):

My knowledge of several of these languages is still only slightly more than cursory, but in some cases (e.g., Rust, OpenGL, and C++), it is improving. (In C++’s case, this is quite begrudging, as every time I find myself writing C++ code, I find myself wishing I were writing Rust or Lua instead.)

Some foci of my original writing include how differences in communication styles and preferences shape people’s experiences and perceptions; how our malleable memories and our imperfect awareness of our surroundings lead us to think we know and remember more than we actually do; and the dangers of power and resources becoming overly concentrated in the hands of a few.

You can contact me on Discord at @Aaron#6608 (or @aaron6608). We’ll need a server in common if you don’t want to wait for me to check my message requests; the Hellpak Discord and The Fourth Curtain Discord (for Alex Seropian’s game history podcast) are two of your best bets. You can also contact me through my YouTube channel. I don’t check email often enough for that to be a reliable form of contact.

I’m also a member of last.fm, Rate Your Music, and several other websites that I check even less often than I check my email; however, those interested in my musical influences may find them enlightening.

Also, in case the insane amount of detail here didn’t make it obvious, I’m neurodivergent.

More to come when I feel like updating this further.

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