Tags Are Terrible

This rant used to be part of my advanced content creation guide for Marathon/Aleph One. I continue to stand by the stances I’ve taken in this section, but I’ve split it off to its own page because, even by my standards, it’s:

  1. very long
  2. very opinionated

Those lacking context for this may wish to consult my beginners’ guide to Aleph One content creation and my more advanced guide.


  1. Tags Are Terrible (though sometimes inexorable)
    1. Ways to Avoid Tags

Tags Are Terrible (though sometimes inexorable)

Don’t get me wrong – in the right circumstances, they’re immensely useful. But they can also break the game if you don’t know what you’re doing, especially if they’re marked as Repair. If you take two things away from this admittedly opinionated section:

  1. Avoid ever marking tag switches or chip insertion slots as Repair.
  2. If you absolutely must mark such a switch as repair, make sure it controls both a light and a platform that can always activate or deactivate – that will probably work around the worst bugs. Probably. (Though you’d still be able to deactivate the tag switch, which would make it possible to change a level state from complete to incomplete – annoying design, to say the least. This aspect, at least, isn’t a problem for chips – once a chip is inserted, it stays inserted.)

Now, for the gory details:

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Ways to Avoid Tags

Tags aren’t always necessary; the main cases where they are necessary are for destructible wires, chip insertion, or very odd arrangements of platforms. In most other cases, a sufficiently determined mapper can avoid using them. Some tips:

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