The Annotated Forge Manual

Detailed Table of Contents

A complete table of contents for my annotated Forge manual, which I plan to split across several pages. The pages themselves contain significantly abridged tables of contents, since it’s possible to Ctrl+F or ⌘+F a webpage to find anything on it; however, since it’s impossible to Ctrl+F or ⌘+F the entire manual at once, I’ve listed every single section heading here.

For reference, the manual is currently broken up into the following pages:

  1. Introduction
    1. Key Definitions
    2. Menus
    3. Tools
    4. Basic Map Parameters
  2. Tutorial One

Table of Contents

  1. The Annotated Forge Manual: Detailed Table of Contents
    1. Introduction
    2. Table of Contents (you’re looking at it)
  2. The Annotated Forge Manual
    1. Bungie’s Introduction
    2. Key Definitions
      1. Level
      2. Network Level
      3. Map
      4. Merge (Merging)
      5. Polygon
      6. Line
      7. Vertex (pl. vertices)
      8. Platform
      9. Draw Mode
      10. Visual Mode
    3. Menu Descriptions
      1. File Menu
        1. New Level
        2. Open
        3. Close
        4. Save Scenario
        5. Save Scenario as...
        6. Merge Levels...
        7. Export Level...
        8. Export OBJ...
        9. Quit
      2. Edit Menu
        1. Undo
        2. Preferences...
      3. Levels Menu
      4. View Menu
        1. Draw Mode
        2. Visual Mode
        3. Elevation
        4. Textures
        5. Lights
        6. Sounds
      5. Special Menu
        1. Zoom In/Zoom Out
        2. Map Manager
          1. Grid Size
          2. Display Grid
          3. Constrain to Grid
          4. Custom Grid
          5. Show Monsters, etc.
          6. Visual Mode Crosshairs
        3. View Height Window
        4. Goto...
        5. Set Level Parameters
        6. Set Item Parameters
        7. Set Monster Parameters
        8. Recenter Level
        9. Pave Level
        10. Nuke Textures
        11. Nuke Objects Only
        12. Nuke & Pave Level
      6. Plugins
        1. Auto Shade Level
        2. Enumerate Tags
    4. The Tools
      1. Arrow (A)
      2. Line (L)
      3. Fill Tool (F)
      4. Polygon (P)
      5. Hand Tool (D)
      6. Zoom Tool (Z)
      7. Text Tool (T)
      8. Object Tool (O)
    5. Setting Up Basic Map Parameters
      1. Options
        1. Environment
        2. Landscape
        3. Game Type
        4. Environment Type
          1. Vacuum
          2. Rebellion
          3. Low Gravity
          4. Magnetic
        5. Mission Type
          1. Extermination
          2. Exploration
          3. Retrieval
          4. Repair
          5. Rescue
  3. The Annotated Forge Manual: Tutorial One
    1. Tutorial One: A Simple Two-Polygon Room
      1. World Units Explained
      2. Let’s Make a Level!

(To be continued…)