Vanilla Infinity Sound ID List
- Sounds have two different numbers associated with them: sound ID and sound number. Sound IDs can be anything from 130 to 32760, must be multiples of 5, and must be unique within the sound file. If the ID is −1, the game won’t play them. Unfortunately, they’re in no logical order in the vanilla sound file, so I’ve listed them all below. The vanilla Infinity sounds only use IDs between 10,000 and 19,210 (inclusive).
- You can use up to 256 classes (sound numbers 0–255); Aleph One’s developers advise against using more.
- ‘Volume’ affects not the sound’s decibel level in-game but how far away it’s audible.
- I’ve used the Lua mnemonics for these unless I had a reason not to, which I usually note in tooltips (also reproduced at the bottom of this document as endnotes). Parenthetical names are alternate names prominently used elsewhere (e.g., Anvil
/ ShapeFusion or Forge / Weland). - Sounds in bold below have all of their sources definitively identified (see Sound Sources below for these). Sounds in italics have some of them definitively identified.
(Click a category in the table header to sort by that category. Click it again to reverse the sort direction.)
ID | # | Sound |
10000 | 1 | Teleport In |
10010 | 2 | Teleport Out |
10020 | 3 | Crushed |
10030 | 5 | Absorbed |
10040 | 7 | Oxygen Warning |
10050 | 8 | Suffocation |
10060 | 9 | Energy Refuel |
10070 | 10 | Oxygen Refuel |
10080 | 11 | Can’t Toggle Switch |
10090 | 12 | Switch On |
10100 | 13 | Switch Off |
10110 | 14 | Puzzle Switch |
10120 | 15 | Chip Insertion |
10130 | 16 | Pattern Buffer |
10150 | 18 | Adjust Volume |
10160 | 19 | Got Powerup |
10170 | 20 | Get Item |
11000 | 21 | Bullet Ricochet |
11010 | 22 | Metallic Ricochet |
11020 | 23 | Empty Gun |
11030 | 34 | Fist Hitting |
11040 | 35 | Magnum Firing |
11050 | 36 | Magnum Reloading |
11060 | 37 | Assault Rifle Firing |
11070 | 38 | Grenade Launcher Firing |
11080 | 39 | Grenade Exploding |
11090 | 40 | Grenade Flyby |
11100 | 41 | Fusion Pistol Firing |
11110 | 42 | Fusion Exploding |
11120 | 43 | Fusion Flyby |
11130 | 44 | Fusion Charging |
11140 | 45 | Rocket Exploding |
11150 | 46 | Rocket Flyby |
11160 | 47 | Rocket Firing |
11170 | 48 | Flamethrower |
11180 | 49 | Body Falling |
11190 | 50 | Body Exploding |
11200 | 51 | Bullet Hit Flesh |
11210 | 134 | Assault Rifle Reloading |
11220 | 136 | Shotgun Firing |
11230 | 137 | Shotgun Reloading |
11240 | 141 | Computer Login |
11250 | 142 | Computer Logout |
11260 | 143 | Computer Page |
11270 | 135 | Assault Rifle Shell Casings |
11280 | 17 | Destroy Control Panel |
11290 | 132 | Fusion Pistol Firing Charged |
11300 | 138 | Ball Bounce |
11310 | 139 | You Are It |
11320 | 140 | Got Ball |
11330 | 133 | Major Fusion Charged |
12000 | 24 | S’pht Door Closing |
12010 | 25 | S’pht Door Opening |
12020 | 26 | S’pht Door Obstructed |
12030 | 27 | S’pht Platform Starting |
12040 | 28 | S’pht Platform Stopping |
12080 | 32 | Heavy S’pht Platform Starting |
12090 | 33 | Heavy S’pht Platform Stopping |
13000 | 144 | Heavy S’pht Door |
13010 | 145 | Heavy S’pht Door Opening |
13020 | 146 | Heavy S’pht Door Closing |
13030 | 147 | Heavy S’pht Door Open |
13040 | 148 | Heavy S’pht Door Closed |
13050 | 149 | Heavy S’pht Door Obstructed |
14000 | 90 | Water |
14010 | 91 | Sewage |
14020 | 92 | Lava |
14030 | 93 | Goo |
14040 | 94 | Underwater |
14050 | 95 | Wind |
14060 | 96 | Waterfall |
14070 | 97 | Siren |
14080 | 98 | Fan |
14100 | 100 | S’pht Platform |
14120 | 101 | Alien Harmonics (Jjaro Ship) |
14130 | 102 | Heavy S’pht Platform |
14140 | 103 | Light Machinery |
14150 | 104 | Heavy Machinery |
14160 | 105 | Transformer |
14170 | 106 | Sparking Transformer |
14180 | 169 | Machine Binder |
14190 | 170 | Machine Bookpress |
14200 | 171 | Machine Puncher |
14210 | 172 | Electric Hum |
14220 | 173 | Alarm |
14230 | 174 | Night Wind |
14240 | 201 | Alien Noise 1 (Pfhor Ship #1) |
14250 | 202 | Alien Noise 2 (Pfhor Ship #2) |
14260 | 4 | Jjaro Ship Creak |
14500 | 107 | Water Drip |
14510 | 175 | Surface Explosion (Thunder) |
14520 | 176 | Underground Explosion |
14530 | 186 | Lamp Exploding |
14540 | 29 | Loon |
14545 | 187 | Pfhor Platform Starting |
14550 | 188 | Pfhor Platform Stopping |
14560 | 189 | Pfhor Platform |
14570 | 190 | Pfhor Door Closing |
14580 | 191 | Pfhor Door Opening |
14590 | 192 | Pfhor Door Obstructed |
14600 | 193 | Pfhor Door |
14610 | 194 | Pfhor Switch On |
14620 | 195 | Pfhor Switch Off |
14630 | 196 | Juggernaut Firing |
14640 | 197 | Juggernaut Warning |
14650 | 198 | Juggernaut Exploding |
14660 | 199 | Juggernaut Start Attack |
14670 | 200 | Enforcer Exploding |
15000 | 71 | Drone Activate |
15010 | 72 | Drone Start Attack |
15020 | 73 | Drone Attack |
15030 | 74 | Drone Dying |
15040 | 75 | Drone Death |
15050 | 76 | Drone Projectile Hit |
15060 | 77 | Drone Projectile Flyby |
15100 | 64 | Cyborg Moving |
15110 | 65 | Cyborg Attack |
15120 | 66 | Cyborg Hit |
15130 | 67 | Cyborg Death |
15140 | 68 | Cyborg Projectile Bounce |
15150 | 69 | Cyborg Projectile Hit |
15200 | 59 | S’pht Attack |
15210 | 60 | S’pht Death |
15220 | 61 | S’pht Hit |
15230 | 62 | S’pht Projectile Flyby |
15240 | 63 | S’pht Projectile Hit |
15300 | 52 | Fighter Activate |
15310 | 53 | Fighter Wail |
15320 | 54 | Fighter Scream |
15330 | 55 | Fighter Chatter |
15340 | 56 | Fighter Attack |
15350 | 57 | Fighter Projectile Hit |
15360 | 58 | Fighter Projectile Flyby |
15400 | 78 | Bob Wail |
15410 | 79 | Bob Scream |
15420 | 80 | Bob Hit |
15430 | 81 | Bob Chatter |
15440 | 82 | Assimilated Bob Chatter |
15450 | 83 | Bob Trash Talk |
15460 | 84 | Bob Apology |
15470 | 85 | Bob Activation |
15480 | 86 | Bob Clear |
15490 | 87 | Bob Angry (Stop Shooting Me You Bastard) |
15500 | 88 | Bob Secure |
15510 | 89 | Bob Kill the Player |
15610 | 151 | Hunter Attack |
15630 | 153 | Hunter Landing |
15640 | 154 | Hunter Exploding |
15650 | 155 | Hunter Projectile Hit |
15660 | 156 | Hunter Projectile Flyby |
15700 | 157 | Enforcer Activate |
15710 | 158 | Enforcer Attack |
15720 | 159 | Enforcer Projectile Hit |
15730 | 160 | Enforcer Projectile Flyby |
15800 | 161 | F’lickta Melee Attack |
15810 | 162 | F’lickta Melee Hit |
15820 | 163 | F’lickta Projectile Attack |
15830 | 166 | F’lickta Projectile Lava Hit |
15840 | 167 | F’lickta Projectile Lava Flyby |
15850 | 168 | F’lickta Dying |
15860 | 164 | F’lickta Projectile Sewage Hit |
16000 | 177 | S’pht’Kr Attack |
16010 | 178 | S’pht’Kr Projectile Hit |
16020 | 179 | S’pht’Kr Projectile Flyby |
16030 | 180 | S’pht’Kr Being Hit |
16040 | 181 | S’pht’Kr Exploding |
17000 | 182 | Tick Chatter |
17020 | 184 | Tick Flapping |
18000 | 30 | SMG Firing |
18010 | 31 | SMG Reloading |
18100 | 203 | VacBob Wail |
18110 | 204 | VacBob Scream |
18120 | 205 | VacBob Hit |
18130 | 206 | VacBob Chatter |
18140 | 207 | Assimilated VacBob Chatter |
18150 | 208 | VacBob Trash Talk |
18160 | 209 | VacBob Apology |
18170 | 210 | VacBob Activation |
18180 | 211 | VacBob Clear |
18190 | 212 | VacBob Angry (Stop Shooting Me You Bastard) |
18200 | 213 | VacBob Secure |
18210 | 214 | VacBob Kill the Player |
19000 | 108 | Walking in Water |
19010 | 109 | Exiting Water |
19020 | 110 | Entering Water |
19060 | 115 | Entering Lava |
19070 | 116 | Exiting Lava |
19100 | 111 | Small Water Splash |
19120 | 113 | Large Water Splash |
19130 | 118 | Small Lava Splash |
19150 | 120 | Large Lava Splash |
19170 | 122 | Entering Sewage |
19180 | 121 | Exiting Sewage |
19190 | 123 | Small Sewage Splash |
19210 | 125 | Large Sewage Splash |
The following classes are empty and have ID -1:
(Click a category in the table header to sort by that category. Click it again to reverse the sort direction.)
ID | # | Sound |
-1 | 0 | Startup |
-1 | 6 | Breathing |
-1 | 70 | Cyborg Projectile Flyby |
-1 | 99 | S’pht Door |
-1 | 112 | Medium Water Splash |
-1 | 114 | Walking in Lava |
-1 | 118 | Medium Lava Splash |
-1 | 120 | Walking in Sewage |
-1 | 124 | Medium Sewage Splash |
-1 | 126 | Walking in Goo |
-1 | 127 | Exiting Goo |
-1 | 128 | Entering Goo |
-1 | 129 | Small Goo Splash |
-1 | 130 | Medium Goo Splash |
-1 | 131 | Large Goo Splash |
-1 | 150 | Hunter Activate |
-1 | 152 | Hunter Dying |
-1 | 165 | F’lickta Projectile Sewage Flyby |
-1 | 183 | Tick Falling |
-1 | 185 | Tick Exploding |
You’ll thus need to change their IDs if you add sounds to them; likewise with all new classes you create.
Sound Sources
I’ve been able to locate many vanilla Marathon Infinity sounds’ sources; others remain elusive. The Canadian company Sound Ideas’ 40-disc General Series 6000 collection is the source of all but one of them. (Alternatively, see here for a bundle of the General Series 6000 with, as of this writing, ten extensions, which are all too recent to be sources for Marathon.) The one exception I’ve been able to locate, Fist Hitting, comes from the Series 4000 Hollywood collection. The Series 6000 sounds are ubiquitous not just in games (for example, Doom also used many) but across all types of media, so while uses of these sounds in other media may be Marathon references, it’s likelier that they just used an industry-standard stock sound library.
I’ve remixed or remastered the entire Infinity sound file, using the original sources when I’d found them and various audio tricks I’ve learned over the years when I hadn’t; a recent revision is available here. As of 2024-04-12, this should be the current revision. An ‘extended’ version with longer versions of some samples and more samples for some sounds is also available here.
The sources I’ve been able to locate are, in order by the earliest disc
- Fist Landing: Face Punch, Arm Swing and Jaw Sock (4003 track 50, index 2 – this is the one from Series 4000)
- Lh’owon Loon: Common Loon (6003 track 19, indices 1, 2, & 4) with echo removed (4 was also sped up)
- Tick Chatter, Fighter Scream, & F’lickta Death: Porcupine (6003 track 94). Fighter Scream is shifted down an octave (twelve semitones) and slowed from about 100 to about 77 bpm. F’lickta Death is shifted down an octave and a half (nineteen semitones) and slowed from 100 to 60 bpm.
- F’lickta Lava Impact & S’pht’Kr Being Hit: Small Burst of Flames in Wood Stove (6015 track 20, index 3, excerpt). The latter is reversed and twice as fast (but the same pitch).
- Flamethrower: Flamethrower Long Burst (6015 track 23, index 1, excerpt)
- F’lickta Lava Flyby: Short, Large Burst of Flame (6015 track 26. I can’t recall the index, but it’s sped up)
- S’pht’Kr Attack: Fireball Impact and Large Fire Burst (6015 track 28, excerpt)
- Transformer: Electric Transformer Hum (6018 track 39, index 2). Sparking Transformer combines this with High Voltage Electricity Spark (6039 track 61, various indices)
- S’pht Platform: Passenger Elevator (6018 track 42, index 4). The Marathon Platform is a different edit of the same sound. Bungie also mined a later part of the same sample for the Energy Recharger.
- Bullet Hitting Flesh: Horror Axe Chop, Human (6018 track 80, indices 1, 2, & 3, excerpts)
- Body Falling: probably Horror Blood Splat, Human (6018 track 82, index 1, excerpt), pitch-shifted down about three semitones
- F’lickta Melee Hit: Horror Head Crunch, Human (6018 track 87, indices 1 & 2)
- Crushed Under Platform: probably Horror Head Crunch, Human (6018 track 87, either index 3 or 4, possibly pitch-shifted or slowed down)
- Wasp Glob Impact: probably Horror Head Crunch, Human (6018 track 88, index 1, maybe pitch-shifted)
- Switch On
/ Switch Off: Small Breaker Switch (6021 track 44, indices 1 & 2) - Machine Binder: Binder (6022 track 3)
- Light Machinery: Compressor (6022 track 5)
- Heavy Machinery: Wahlenberg Cutter (6022 track 11)
- Heavy S’pht Platform: Electric Hydraulic Machine (6022 track 18)
- Machine Bookpress: Book Press (6022 track 25)
- Machine Puncher: Auto Plant Punch Press (6022 track 36)
- Pfhor Door: Clothes Cleaning Plant Steam Release (6023 track 5). The opening sound (mislabeled in most lists of sounds as the closing sound) is a reversed sample of this
- Pfhor Platform: Clothes Cleaning Plant Steam Supply Generator (6023 track 6). The Oxygen Recharger may also come from this track, but it’s such a short sample that it’s hard to be sure
- Magnum Firing: .44 Magnum (6025 track 6; index 2 is definitely one source, if not both; they may have used each channel for one of the sounds, or may have excerpted a later index to make the other sound)
- Grenade Launcher Firing: Anti-tank 20mm (6025 track 25, probably index 1 or 2)
- Bullet Ricochet: Gun Ricochet, Single Shot, Bullet (6025 track 28, probably indices 1 & 2)
- Rocket Exploding: Tank Howitzer (6025 track 31, index 2)
- Shotgun Firing: Tank Howitzer (6025 track 31, index 4; they used each channel to make one sound)
- Cyborg Firing: Small Grenade Blast (6025 track 55, index 1)
- Cyborg Projectile Hit: May be a pitch-shifted version of Small Grenade Blast (6025 track 55, index 3). The game doesn’t actually use this sound; cyborgs may have used different projectiles earlier in development
- Cyborg Death: Small Grenade Blast (6025 track 55, indices 1-3) & High Voltage Electricity Spark (6039 track 61, index 1)
- Surface Explosions
/ Thunder: Mostly Large Explosions (6025 track 56, various indices, & 6040 track 24, index 2), but they supplemented the first sound with another source I haven’t yet found - You Are It: Guitar Low Note, Bend Down (6027 track 33, index 5)
- Got the Ball: Human Vocal Voice, “Play Ball”, Male Baseball Umpire (6032 track 41, index 1)
- Jjaro Ship Creak: One sound comes from Metal Movement and Squeaks (6032 track 58, index 2, excerpt starting about 40 seconds in). I haven’t yet found the other
- Large Water Splash: Rock, Splash into Water (6032 track 92, index 3)
- F’lickta Projectile Sewage Hit: Rock, Fall on Dirt (6032 track 92, index 2)
- Waterfall: Small Waterfalls (6035 track 1)
- Water: Water, Lake Waves Coming In, Light (6035 track 7)
- Goo: Excerpts from Geyser, Underground Rumble, Water Spraying Out (6035 track 38)
- Under Media: Underwater Diver Jumping into Water, Air Release, Scuba (6035 track 42)
- Wind: Thunderclap and Rumble (6036 track 6) & Ghost Town Wind (6036 track 49)
- Night Wind: Eerie Wind (6036 track 46)
- Heavy S’pht Door: Space Door Activate (6037 track 6, index 2) & Spaceship Door (6039 track 24, indices 3 & 4). Still haven’t found the ‘Heavy S’pht Door Obstructed’ sound
- Drone Dying & Cyborg Hit: Steam Single Blast (6037 track 15, index 5). Cyborg Hit isn’t actually used in the game and is a sped-up version of this sample
- Electric Hum: Electricity, Various Hums from Drone Tube (6038 track 46), pitch-shifted up five semitones. The in-game excerpt may start at approximately 8.107 seconds (357,519 samples); I’m not 100% sure
- Pfhor Switch On
/ Off: Hydraulic Activator (6038 track 58, excerpt). The ‘off’ sound is slowed down & pitch-shifted down two semitones - Enforcer Exploding: Single Firing of Tank Gun (6038 track 90, probably index 1 but might be index 2)
- Pfhor Ship #2
/ Alien Noise 2: Spaceship Control Room (6039 track 1) - Jjaro Ship
/ Alien Harmonics: Alien Spacecraft Interior (6039 track 9) - Pfhor Ship #1
/ Alien Noise 1: Spaceship Interior Rumble (6039 track 11) - Pattern Buffer: Computer Spaceship Console Beep (6039 track 27, index 2)
- Drone Start Attack: slightly shortened version of Robot Servo Motor (6039 track 29, index 5)
- Juggernaut Start Attack: slightly shortened version of Robot Servo Motor (6039 track 31, index 2)
- Drone Attack: Electronic Magical Swish (6039 track 51, index 1) & at least one other unknown component
- Drone Projectile Flyby: Electronic Magical Zap (6039 track 56, index 2), possibly sped up a bit. (6039 track 57, index 1, is a close variant of the same sound)
- S’pht’Kr Projectile Hit & S’pht’Kr Projectile Flyby: Archery Whoosh and Impact (6039 track 71, indices 1 & 2, excerpts)
- Water Drip: Most likely excerpts from Water Dripping in Cave (6039 tracks 82 and
/ or 84) - Juggernaut Explosion: Large Explosion (6040 track 24, index 3)
- Underground Explosion: Large Explosion (6040 track 26, index 1)
Also, at least two chapter screen sounds come from the Series 6000 General:
- Marathon 2, chapter 1: Thunderclap with Rumble (6039 track 63, index 3)
- Marathon 2, chapter 2: Entity Pass By (6018 track 92)
And at least a few Pathways into Darkness sounds also come from the Series 6000 General:
- Nightmare Attack
/ Nightmare Dying: Wild Cat: Hissing, Growl, Swat (6003 track 44, various indices) - Phantasm Attack
/ Phantasm Dying: Lion, Roaring (6003 track 88, various indices)
And various mods have also mined these sounds, including:
- Tempus Irae – Blue Jay: Blue Jay, Single Calls (6003 track 1, index 1… maybe?)
- Tempus Irae – Owl: Owl, Calling (6003 track 21, index 2)
- Tempus Irae – Horse Whinny: Horse, Interior, Whinny (6003 track 65, index 1)
- Rubicon – Alarm: General Alarm on Aircraft Carrier (6025, track 66, index 1)
- Eternal and Tempus Irae Redux use several as well; I’ll document them eventually.
If you’re aware of any sources of vanilla sounds not listed here, either for Marathon 1, Marathon Infinity, or even Pathways into Darkness, please let me know.