Marathon Infinity Sounds & Sources

A reference to the sounds for Bungie’s first-person shooters Marathon 2: Durandal (1995) and Marathon Infinity (1996), with limited information on the sounds from its earlier games Pathways into Darkness (1993) and Marathon (1994). For further context, please refer to my Marathon/Aleph One content creation guide (or my beginners’ guide). Please contact me if you notice any errors or omissions.

The indispensable Marathon’s Story page has additional sound references that may be helpful.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Vanilla Infinity Sound ID List
  4. Sound Sources
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Endnotes

Vanilla Infinity Sound ID List

(Click a category in the table header to sort by that category. Click it again to reverse the sort direction.)

ID # Sound
10000 1 Teleport In
10010 2 Teleport Out
10020 3 Crushed
10030 5 Absorbed
10040 7 Oxygen Warning
10050 8 Suffocation
10060 9 Energy Refuel
10070 10 Oxygen Refuel
10080 11 Can’t Toggle Switch
10090 12 Switch On
10100 13 Switch Off
10110 14 Puzzle Switch
10120 15 Chip Insertion
10130 16 Pattern Buffer
10150 18 Adjust Volume
10160 19 Got Powerup⁽¹⁾
10170 20 Get Item⁽¹⁾
11000 21 Bullet Ricochet
11010 22 Metallic Ricochet
11020 23 Empty Gun
11030 34 Fist Hitting
11040 35 Magnum Firing
11050 36 Magnum Reloading
11060 37 Assault Rifle Firing
11070 38 Grenade Launcher Firing
11080 39 Grenade Exploding⁽²⁾
11090 40 Grenade Flyby
11100 41 Fusion Pistol Firing
11110 42 Fusion Exploding
11120 43 Fusion Flyby
11130 44 Fusion Charging
11140 45 Rocket Exploding⁽³⁾
11150 46 Rocket Flyby
11160 47 Rocket Firing
11170 48 Flamethrower
11180 49 Body Falling
11190 50 Body Exploding
11200 51 Bullet Hit Flesh
11210 134 Assault Rifle Reloading
11220 136 Shotgun Firing
11230 137 Shotgun Reloading
11240 141 Computer Login
11250 142 Computer Logout
11260 143 Computer Page
11270 135 Assault Rifle Shell Casings
11280 17 Destroy Control Panel
11290 132 Fusion Pistol Firing Charged
11300 138 Ball Bounce
11310 139 You Are It
11320 140 Got Ball
11330 133 Major Fusion Charged
12000 24 S’pht Door Closing⁽⁴⁾
12010 25 S’pht Door Opening⁽⁴⁾
12020 26 S’pht Door Obstructed
12030 27 S’pht Platform Starting
12040 28 S’pht Platform Stopping
12080 32 Heavy S’pht Platform Starting
12090 33 Heavy S’pht Platform Stopping
13000 144 Heavy S’pht Door
13010 145 Heavy S’pht Door Opening
13020 146 Heavy S’pht Door Closing
13030 147 Heavy S’pht Door Open
13040 148 Heavy S’pht Door Closed
13050 149 Heavy S’pht Door Obstructed
14000 90 Water
14010 91 Sewage
14020 92 Lava
14030 93 Goo
14040 94 Underwater
14050 95 Wind
14060 96 Waterfall
14070 97 Siren
14080 98 Fan
14100 100 S’pht Platform
14120 101 Alien Harmonics (Jjaro Ship)
14130 102 Heavy S’pht Platform
14140 103 Light Machinery
14150 104 Heavy Machinery
14160 105 Transformer
14170 106 Sparking Transformer
14180 169 Machine Binder
14190 170 Machine Bookpress
14200 171 Machine Puncher
14210 172 Electric Hum
14220 173 Alarm
14230 174 Night Wind
14240 201 Alien Noise 1 (Pfhor Ship #1)
14250 202 Alien Noise 2 (Pfhor Ship #2)
14260 4 Jjaro Ship Creak⁽⁵⁾
14500 107 Water Drip
14510 175 Surface Explosion (Thunder)
14520 176 Underground Explosion
14530 186 Lamp Exploding
14540 29 Loon
14545 187 Pfhor Platform Starting
14550 188 Pfhor Platform Stopping
14560 189 Pfhor Platform
14570 190 Pfhor Door Closing⁽⁶⁾
14580 191 Pfhor Door Opening⁽⁶⁾
14590 192 Pfhor Door Obstructed
14600 193 Pfhor Door
14610 194 Pfhor Switch On
14620 195 Pfhor Switch Off
14630 196 Juggernaut Firing
14640 197 Juggernaut Warning
14650 198 Juggernaut Exploding
14660 199 Juggernaut Start Attack
14670 200 Enforcer Exploding
15000 71 Drone Activate
15010 72 Drone Start Attack
15020 73 Drone Attack
15030 74 Drone Dying
15040 75 Drone Death
15050 76 Drone Projectile Hit
15060 77 Drone Projectile Flyby
15100 64 Cyborg Moving
15110 65 Cyborg Attack
15120 66 Cyborg Hit
15130 67 Cyborg Death
15140 68 Cyborg Projectile Bounce
15150 69⁽⁷⁾ Cyborg Projectile Hit
15200 59 S’pht Attack
15210 60 S’pht Death
15220 61 S’pht Hit
15230 62 S’pht Projectile Flyby
15240 63 S’pht Projectile Hit
15300 52 Fighter Activate
15310 53 Fighter Wail
15320 54 Fighter Scream
15330 55 Fighter Chatter
15340 56 Fighter Attack
15350 57 Fighter Projectile Hit
15360 58 Fighter Projectile Flyby
15400 78 Bob Wail
15410 79 Bob Scream
15420 80 Bob Hit
15430 81 Bob Chatter
15440 82 Assimilated Bob Chatter
15450 83 Bob Trash Talk
15460 84 Bob Apology
15470 85 Bob Activation
15480 86 Bob Clear
15490 87 Bob Angry (Stop Shooting Me You Bastard)
15500 88 Bob Secure
15510 89 Bob Kill the Player
15610 151 Hunter Attack
15630 153 Hunter Landing
15640 154 Hunter Exploding
15650 155 Hunter Projectile Hit
15660 156 Hunter Projectile Flyby
15700 157 Enforcer Activate
15710 158 Enforcer Attack
15720 159 Enforcer Projectile Hit
15730 160 Enforcer Projectile Flyby
15800 161 F’lickta Melee Attack
15810 162 F’lickta Melee Hit
15820 163 F’lickta Projectile Attack
15830 166 F’lickta Projectile Lava Hit
15840 167 F’lickta Projectile Lava Flyby
15850 168 F’lickta Dying
15860 164 F’lickta Projectile Sewage Hit
16000 177 S’pht’Kr Attack
16010 178 S’pht’Kr Projectile Hit
16020 179 S’pht’Kr Projectile Flyby
16030 180 S’pht’Kr Being Hit
16040 181 S’pht’Kr Exploding
17000 182 Tick Chatter
17020 184 Tick Flapping
18000 30 SMG Firing
18010 31 SMG Reloading
18100 203 VacBob Wail
18110 204 VacBob Scream
18120 205 VacBob Hit
18130 206 VacBob Chatter
18140 207 Assimilated VacBob Chatter
18150 208 VacBob Trash Talk
18160 209 VacBob Apology
18170 210 VacBob Activation
18180 211 VacBob Clear
18190 212 VacBob Angry (Stop Shooting Me You Bastard)
18200 213 VacBob Secure
18210 214 VacBob Kill the Player
19000 108 Walking in Water
19010 109 Exiting Water⁽⁸⁾
19020 110 Entering Water⁽⁸⁾
19060 115 Entering Lava⁽⁸⁾
19070 116 Exiting Lava⁽⁸⁾
19100 111 Small Water Splash
19120 113 Large Water Splash
19130 118 Small Lava Splash
19150 120 Large Lava Splash
19170 122 Entering Sewage⁽⁸⁾
19180 121 Exiting Sewage⁽⁸⁾
19190 123 Small Sewage Splash
19210 125 Large Sewage Splash

The following classes are empty and have ID -1:

(Click a category in the table header to sort by that category. Click it again to reverse the sort direction.)

ID # Sound
-1 0 Startup
-1 6 Breathing
-1 70 Cyborg Projectile Flyby
-1 99 S’pht Door
-1 112 Medium Water Splash
-1 114 Walking in Lava
-1 118 Medium Lava Splash
-1 120 Walking in Sewage
-1 124 Medium Sewage Splash
-1 126 Walking in Goo
-1 127 Exiting Goo⁽⁸⁾
-1 128 Entering Goo⁽⁸⁾
-1 129 Small Goo Splash
-1 130 Medium Goo Splash
-1 131 Large Goo Splash
-1 150 Hunter Activate
-1 152 Hunter Dying
-1 165 F’lickta Projectile Sewage Flyby
-1 183 Tick Falling
-1 185 Tick Exploding

You’ll thus need to change their IDs if you add sounds to them; likewise with all new classes you create.

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Sound Sources

I’ve been able to locate many vanilla Marathon Infinity sounds’ sources; others remain elusive. The Canadian company Sound Ideas’ 40-disc General Series 6000 collection is the source of all but one of them. (Al­ter­na­tively, see here for a bundle of the General Series 6000 with, as of this writing, ten extensions, which are all too recent to be sources for Marathon.) The one exception I’ve been able to locate, Fist Hitting, comes from the Series 4000 Hollywood collection. The Series 6000 sounds are ubiquitous not just in games (for example, Doom also used many) but across all types of media, so while uses of these sounds in other media may be Mara­thon references, it’s likelier that they just used an industry-standard stock sound library.

I’ve remixed or remastered the entire Infinity sound file, using the original sources when I’d found them and various audio tricks I’ve learned over the years when I hadn’t; a recent revision is available here. As of 2024-04-12, this should be the current revision. An ‘extended’ version with longer versions of some samples and more samples for some sounds is also available here.

The sources I’ve been able to locate are, in order by the earliest disc/track/index appearing within a sample:

Also, at least two chapter screen sounds come from the Series 6000 General:

And at least a few Pathways into Darkness sounds also come from the Series 6000 General:

And various mods have also mined these sounds, including:

If you’re aware of any sources of vanilla sounds not listed here, either for Marathon 1, Marathon Infinity, or even Pathways into Darkness, please let me know.

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