Circles in Marathon Mapmaking

This is an appendix to my advanced Marathon Aleph One mapmaking guide. To learn basic mapmaking principles, you should start with my beginners’ guide.

Please contact me if you notice any errors or omissions.


  1. Intro
  2. Table of Contents (you’re looking at it)
  3. Circles and Weland’s Custom Grid
  4. Radii and Rotations for 1 WU Sides
  5. Acknowledgements

Circles and Weland’s Custom Grid

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll take the term ‘circle’ to mean ‘regular polygon with sufficiently many sides to look circular’. Aleph One is not actually capable of curves.

There are a few ways to construct circles in Weland. The simplest is probably to use shift+alt and draw points of equal length out from a central area. This will give you a regular 16-sided polygon, and for many cases, this is all you’ll need. However, in many cases, you may want more points. There are a few options here. There’s a circle plugin, which is fine if you’re OK doing a bit of math. (To get this to load on Windows, you may need to go to ‘Properties’ and select ‘Unblock’ next to ‘Security’. Obviously, don’t make a habit of doing this with just any software downloaded from the Internet unless you trust the authors.) Another option that doesn’t require a plugin (but still requires a bit of math) is the custom grid, this little icon you may not have bothered to try out before:

Custom Grid Icon

When you click it, it brings up some sliders that may at first look intimidating. (I’ve resized parts of this image to make its contents legible, but it’s otherwise untouched.)

Custom Grid Sliders

For our ‘circle’, Origin will match its center and Scale will match its radius (at its vertices, anyhow). Rotation will vary, as we’ll see. I’ll demonstrate how to draw a 24-sided circle. We’ll leave Origin as 0, 0. We’ll start Rotation from . For Scale, we’ll use the seemingly random number 3.831. Press 4 on the keyboard to get the grid to show at 1x size, then draw points out from (0, 0) in all four cardinal directions. We should have something like:

0° Circle Vertices
Protip: If you’re having trouble finding (0, 0), you can rotate the grid forward and backward (it always rotates around the center point); or edit one point by double-clicking it; or start from 15° and work back around to . (Again, I don’t recommend using a Rotation of 90°; it’s not quite accurate.)

From here, we must rotate the grid by regular increments (this might be the trickiest part). 360° (the span of a circle) divided by 24 points (the number of vertices we’re using) gives us 15° increments, so our next angle is 15°. Set Rotation to 15° and draw lines out from the center. Rotating by another 15° gives us 30°, then 45°, then 60°, then 75°. (We could do this with fewer rotations, but we’ll save that for later.) All these steps are shown below.

15° Circle Vertices 30° Circle Vertices 45° Circle Vertices 60° Circle Vertices 75° Circle Vertices

We now have our circle’s points. Our next step is to draw our lines. It’ll probably help to disable the grid or to reduce the grid size (i.e., press 1 on the keyboard).

Drawing the Lines of Our ‘Circle’

The next task is to fill the circle (assuming we wish to do that). It’s an inefficient allocation of map indices to fill all 24 triangles when we can use more sides per polygon; here, we can divide our circle into quadrants to get eight sides per polygon, which is perfect.

Filling Our ‘Circle’

Now, some notes:

  1. If we select one of our circle’s outer lines, we’ll see why 3.831 was our Scale: they’re all 1 or 0.999 WU long. A long list of radii and rotations that produce 1 WU-long sides can be found below.
  2. Not using the center as one of our vertices could, in some cases, allow us to fill our circle with fewer polygons; however, it could also result in acute angles, which often cause bouncy walls. In this specific case, four polygons is the fewest we could get away with.
  3. I mentioned Shift+Alt constraint as a way to create 16-sided polygons. You can combine this with grid rotation if the number of sides is a multiple of 8 (divides evenly into 45°, i.e., use 8 of the 16 Shift+Alt angles) or 16 (divides evenly into 22.; i.e., use all 16 Shift+Alt angles). As the math might confuse people at first, I avoided showing this above, but it can save time once you’re comfortable with this method.
  4. Points may be off by an internal unit (≈.001 WU) or two. Adjust them manually if this bothers you. Drawing our lines from the center with Shift+Alt constraint makes this slightly less likely.
  5. Since we started at , we don’t have any horizontal or vertical lines in our circle. To get them, we’d divide our grid rotation of 15° by 2 for a starting angle of 7., then increase that by 15 (i.e., 22., 37., 52., 67., 82.). The result is below. Note that getting both horizontal and vertical lines requires a number of sides divisible by 4. If it’s divisible by 2, we’ll get one but not the other. If it’s an odd number, we’ll get only a single horizontal or vertical side.

    ‘Circle’ with Vertical Lines

  6. If our number of vertices is not a multiple of 4, we’ll still start at as usual, keep adding our angle increment until we exceed 90°, subtract 90° from our Rotation, and then continue as before. We also won’t draw lines in all four directions – we’ll either draw them in two directions (if our number of vertices is a multiple of 2) or one (if it isn’t).

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Radii and Rotations to Create 1 WU

These radii and rotations will create regular polygons with sides of 1 WU in length. (As pointless as including a triangle may seem, this is a fast way to get an equilateral triangle centered around a desired point.) Italic numbers are divisible by 8 (i.e, you can use Shift+Alt with 45° angles); bold numbers, by 16 (22. angles). 1 WU = 1,024 Internal Units; these are included for the circle plugin. It produces slightly different results, so they differ slightly.

(Click a category in the table header to sort by that category. Click it again to reverse the sort direction.)

# Sides WU Radius IU Radius Rotation
3 0.578 591.3 120.0°
5 0.852 871 72.0°
6 1.000 1024 60.0°
7 1.153 1180 51.42857142…°
8 1.306 1338 45.0°
10 1.618 1657 36.0°
12 1.934 1978 30.0°
14 2.247 2301 25.71428571…°
16 2.563 2624 22.5°
18 2.880 2948 20.0°
20 3.197 3272 18.0°
24 3.831 3922 15.0°
28 4.467 4574 12.85714285…°
32 5.102 5224 11.25°
36 5.735 5873 10.0°
40 6.372 6525 9.0°
42 6.690 6851 8.57142857…°
44 7.008 7176 8.1818…°
48 7.647 7830 7.5°
52 8.283 (use 4.142) 8482 6.92307692…°
56 8.918 (use 4.459) 9130 6.42857142…°
60 9.558 (use 4.779) 9780 6.0°
64 10.190 (use 5.095) 10435 5.625°
72 11.468 (use 5.734) 11740 5.0°

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